Bringing together best systems from various fields – in which we have achieved excellence over the years

Smart Connectivity
Various features, sensors and cloud connectivity – allows remote monitoring, troubleshooting, control and upgrade

Low Maintenance
A robust system – engineered to handle on-ground operational conditions and deliver consis- stent performanc

The solution o"ers modular arrangement – with the possibility to expand quickly without any hassle

Efficient Load Management
Best-in-class electronics and energy management system – o"er robust handling of varying loads and maintain a highly efficient system

Customizable Solution
Deep understanding and engineering capability – allows us to customize components and fea- tures that best suit operators’ requirements

A versatile combination of software and hard- ware – supporting various protocols (CHAdeMO, CCS & GB/T) and operating standards to service a wide range of EV

Business Intelligence
Data Collection and Analysis – o"ers insights to operators and consumers and allows us to make the system better by introducing upgrades.